
Friday 12 December 2014

New Year Detox

With the Christmas festivities fast approaching, I just wanted to tell you about the Cookery Workshops I have planned for 2015!  Altogether I'll be teaching four courses at Bodnant over the next twelve months in a Series called "Simple and Natural"  starting in January with the popular New Year Detox.  Here are all the dates to put in your diary!

Sat  10th January       New Year Detox
Sun 26th April            Lighten Up for Summer
Sun 16th August        Health on a Plate
Sat  21st November   Deliciously Dairy Free 

Each workshop will include a variety of appetising dishes which you will make alongside me in the spacious Cookery School.  No experience is necessary so please don't feel you have to be a food expert. I'll be there to guide you all the way.

I develop new recipes specially for my courses and they are always packed full of beautifully fresh ingredients.  They are dishes the whole family will enjoy and are totally free from meat, dairy, eggs and refined sugar and are usually gluten free too.

Each workshop starts at 11am (10.45am for a welcome drink!) and ends at 4pm when you'll leave laden with containers filled with all the dishes you've madeThe price for the day is still the same too - £95 which includes lunch and all your ingredients.


The first workshop in January is almost full (ten have booked so far) so if you are thinking of coming on the New Year Detox course, please don't leave it too long. It's a brilliant way to start the year and you'll meet other like-minded people who are keen to be healthy in 2015.

Detoxing has been practiced for centuries by different cultures around the world as a way of de-cluttering and cleansing the body. It can do wonders for the way you look and feel but it certainly doesn't mean going hungry!  By incorporating detox-friendly foods into everyday living, you can revitalise your body naturally from the inside out. And the food is so delicious, you won't even realise you are eating the healthy option!


If being fitter and healthier is important to you, imagine how you would look and feel in a few months if you chose to be more health conscious in 2015.  It's really not that difficult.  It can even be fun and I'd love to show you how!  

To book online or go to the Bodnant Cookery School website, please click here or phone 01492 651100 

Or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me

Hope to see you at Bodnant!

Friday 29 August 2014

Healthy Eating on the Go

If you have a busy lifestyle (and who doesn't these days!) then eating well throughout the day can be a real struggle.  When you're always on the go, out at work or away from home, finding healthy meals and snacks to buy can be a nightmare.  Even so-called healthy products often contain loads of sugar and very little in the way of natural goodness.  If you don't eat meat, eggs or dairy like me, then it is often impossible.  

So I'm delighted to tell you my next course at Bodnant Cookery School on Sunday 14th September is "Healthy Eating on the Go".  It's all about creating your own lunch box with healthy snacks and treats that are good for you and your body!  With a little forward planning, it's possible to produce delicious food to enjoy at any time of the day and be something you'll look forward to tucking into!

  Fast Food - the Natural Way

I've really enjoyed putting together the recipes for this course.  Maybe it's because I've always loved picnics!  There's something special about eating food out of doors in a lovely location so making up a packed lunch to take out on a walk is pretty normal for me.  I certainly don't want to spend hours in the kitchen though so I've got plenty of tips on making things quick and easy - and fun to make!

For me, the most important thing is to use fresh, natural ingredients that my body thrives on but that certainly doesn't mean living on fruit and a salad!  I'll be showing you some completely new ideas I've been working on as well as some of my favourite recipes that are visually appetising, deliciously energising yet require minimal preparation. Wherever you spend your day, I hope you'll never be tempted to buy an unhealthy snack again!

How to book

If you feel inspired to come along, I'd love you to join me for this brand new course.   You can book your place online at the Bodnant website or by ringing 01492 651100.  

The day starts at 11am (10.45am for a welcome drink!) and finishes at 4pm, costs £95 and, as with all my courses, you'll have lots of goodies to take home!

The Cookery School at Bodnant Welsh Foods Centre is a fabulous place with superb facilities and amazing views along the Conwy Estuary.  The courses are always lots of fun and friendly too with a small group and plenty of space to work and relax.  We make all the recipes together so, however much or little experience you have, you'll be able to enjoy the day and hopefully go away with a new confidence and enthusiasm to eat healthily!

Book online here  or phone 01492 651100. 

These are some photos from my last course in July  ...
Health on a Plate



 Hope to meet you at Bodnant very soon!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Making Healthy Eating Fun for Children


Just to let you know that this coming weekend, 16th and 17th August,  I'll be running some short cookery workshops for children.  Bodnant Welsh Foods Centre in the Conwy Valley are holding their annual Children's Food Festival with lots of events happening on both days and I'm really thrilled to be involved this year.

The focus of my 30 minute workshops, which will be in the main courtyard (under cover!) at 12 noon and 2 pm on Saturday and Sunday, is on having fun and being creative with fresh, healthy natural ingredients.   In the morning session at 12, we'll be making a simple tasty idea for lunch whilst at 2 pm, something sweeter and fruitier will be on the menu, even though absolutely no sugar or dairy will be involved!

If you know any children who love trying something new or who already enjoy helping out in the kitchen, then do bring them along.   You'll need to book their place on the workshops as numbers are limited and there will probably be a small charge (£2 I think, but do check!) 

If you just fancy coming along,  the Welsh Foods Centre is a fabulous place for a day out and is in an amazing location along the Conwy Estuary.  The Festival starts at 11 pm on Saturday and Sunday and finishes at 4pm.  Here are all the details. 

And if you are there, do come and say hello!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Health on a Plate


At the end of April, I taught my third course at Bodnant Cookery School in the Conwy Valley and here are the six lovely people who signed up for the day designed to "Lighten Up for Summer."  In the morning, we made some fabulous Mediterranean inspired dishes including Roasted Ratatouille with an Olive Polenta topping and a colourful Couscous Salad packed with fresh tomatoes, peppers, olives, artichokes and herbs. 

Just before lunch, I demonstrated a Fennel and Carrot Ribbon Salad with rocket and orange vinaigrette.  In the afternoon, we made a summer fruit kantan (pictured) and scrumptious raw cacao chocolates! 

I thoroughly enjoyed the day and from the lovely emails I received afterwards, I think everyone else did too!  It's wonderful to have the opportunity to pass on some of my favourite recipes and spend the day cooking together in the fabulous facilities at Bodnant.  It feels good just being there!   

I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested in eating for health. To me, whatever we consume each day has everything to do with the way we look and feel. With this in mind, I'm delighted to tell you my next course in July is called "Health on a Plate."  

When I cut out meat and dairy in 1980, there were very few good cookbooks around to help me so I got used to adapting recipes and experimenting on my own.  Nowadays, with access to the internet and an abundance of resources online, there's never been a better time to make eating well a priority.   

Whilst preparing a healthy plateful of food has become second nature to me, it isn't necessarily welcome news if you've just been diagnosed with high cholesterol, diabetes or a heart condition and been told by your doctor to drastically alter your diet.  Or if you've discovered you have a dairy intolerance and had to rethink everything you eat and drink.   

Adapting to these changes not only depends on your willingness to put your health needs first but also on your ability to be adaptable in the kitchen.  Whilst food manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon offering free from and low fat products to tempt health conscious customers, the reality is many of them contain high levels of sugar and very little in the way of natural goodness.    

The solution is to buy "real" ingredients - unprocessed, fresh food as close as possible to it's natural state - and create your own meals from scratch.  However, learning to prepare food in a completely different way can be daunting, especially if you are the only one in your family/household making the changes. 

Whilst my main aim on the cookery days is to demonstrate how to cook delicious, health promoting food,  it is also hopefully to inspire everyone to have fun, be adventurous and enjoy a new way of eating.  So my next course is just as much about the enjoyment of preparing and eating healthy food as creating wonderfully appetising platefuls! 

  HEALTH ON A PLATE:  Recipes for Healthy Living

Saturday 12th July 2014 
 11 am - 4 pm
£95 inc lunch and all ingredients

  • Hands-on practical experience preparing, cooking and tasting health-promoting food 
  • Simple guidelines and personal support to make lasting dietary changes  
  • Easy to follow recipes that are full of flavour and natural goodness


I have no doubt at all that eating a healthy balanced diet can have an amazingly positive effect on both our mind and body and I would love you to experience the benefits and the enjoyment of eating for good health.


Contact me on 01286 676838 or email me for more details

To book your place,  go to the Bodnant website or phone 01492 651108.

                                      Look forward to seeing you there!




Monday 24 March 2014

Lighten Up For Summer

With just a few weeks to go until my next Cookery Course on 26th April,  my mind has been focussed on food recently and, in particular, food that is fresh, light and summery!   I like to take my time planning the day and putting together a collection of recipes that will be fun to make and fulfils the "brief," in this case, "recipes for a lighter, healthier body!" 

I can spend weeks experimenting with different ingredients. Maybe I am a bit of a perfectionist but I know when a finished dish tastes right and looks good too.  As usual, I'm not interested in counting calories. To me, it's far more important to get the balance of fresh ingredients right and make food as exciting and appetising as possible so you don't even notice you are eating the healthy option! Then, preparing food that your body loves and thrives on becomes second nature, not a chore.

Summer is a time of abundant fresh produce that reflects the warmth and radiance of sunny days.   Bodnant Welsh Foods is well-known for it's farm shop and, if you have been on one of the cookery courses before,  you'll know how amazing the quality of the fresh ingredients are.   At Bodnant they always seem to find the juiciest oranges and largest lemons, the lushest of herbs, the earthiest onions and the most gigantic garlic!

There will be plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs waiting for us on 26th April and some other treats too!  On previous courses, I've included lesser known ingredients, such as miso, agave nectar, quinoa and agar flakes and this course will be no exception.  Whether you are a complete beginner or a more experienced cook,  you'll pick up some valuable tips for creating fabulous healthy food that's completely free from meat, dairy, eggs and sugar!

With a definitely summery "feel good" theme, this one day course will get you in the mood for long sunny days on the beach. And if the idea of getting shorts, bikinis and summer dresses out of hibernation fills you with dread, I'll be showing you how you can eat really well and get your body in shape!

Lighten Up for Summer

Saturday 26th April 2014

 Bodnant Cookery School,  Tal-y-cafn,  Conwy, LL28 5RP  (map

11 am - 4 pm


  £95.00 inc. lunch and all ingredients

There will be a break for lunch which we'll eat together in the attractive dining room which overlooks the Conwy Estuary. Lunch will comprise of one of the dishes prepared during the morning and you will take the rest of the dishes you've made home with you.   Don't forget to bring some containers!

This will be my third course at Bodnant Cookery School.  Here are some of the comments I've received:

"Lovely day, lots of interesting dishes. Thank you Rhona"
"Excellent instruction"
"A really fabulous day with Rhona. Great to use only the freshest produce to make some truly delicious detox dishes."
"The venue was first class and no-one could ask for more"
"Super day, made healthy eating fun.   Wonderful food, thank you Rhona."
"The cheesecake was really impressive and tasted gorgeous - definitely a recipe I will use for special occasions."
   "A fantastic day from start to finish. Delicious recipes and lots of great new ideas. Thoroughly enjoyable, thank you."
"Lunch was delicious."  
"Great Day. Would like to do many more classes. Thanks for a good day!"

To book your place,  go to the Bodnant Cookery School website or phone 01492 651108.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Detoxing with a Difference!

Here we are tucking into lunch on my New Year Detox Cookery Course held at Bodnant in January, where we had a fabulous day making raw and cooked dishes using fresh, organic detox-friendly ingredients.  As you can see, detoxing doesn't have to mean going hungry! Here are some of the comments: 

"A really fabulous day with Rhona. Great to use only the freshest produce to make some truly delicious detox dishes."

"Lovely day, lots of interesting dishes. Thank you Rhona"

"Super day, made healthy eating fun.   Wonderful food, thank you Rhona."

"A fantastic day from start to finish. Delicious recipes and lots of great new ideas. Thoroughly enjoyable, thank you."

"Great Day. Would like to do many more classes. Thanks for a good day!"

There are so many weird and wonderful ideas circulating about detoxing.  To me, it's simply about cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside by eating fresh ingredients as close to their natural state as possible.  It also means eliminating the foods that clog up our bodies, take a long time to digest and deplete our immune system.

I stopped eating meat, eggs and dairy over 30 years ago because I believed it was better for my health.  During that time I've been growing and eating my own organic fruit and vegetables too. Over the years, I've learned how my body feels when I'm eating the right food for me and some may say I pretty much eat a detox diet most days of the year! 

Even though this was a "detox" course,  I still chose recipes that the whole family would enjoy, that didn't need any special equipment and, most of all, were delicious to eat and full of flavour and natural goodness.  My inspiration came from the ancient traditions of Japan and India where they have been detoxifying the body for centuries.   I also incorporated a few 21st century ideas on eating raw and hopefully inspired a few people to enjoy eating "free from" more often!

The day started at 10am with a welcome drink.  The freshly made cup of root ginger and lemon tea went down well, so much so that everyone asked for seconds!  The creamy cashew dip with apple slices was popular too! 

The first dish we made together was a colourful quinoa salad, filled with roasted butternut squash, red onions, red and yellow peppers and fresh rocket leaves. Then we made a blended pate with mushrooms, onions, walnuts and thyme. 

After a fresh juice break,  I demonstrated how to make a healthy miso soup using freshly made vegetable stock, dried wakame, rice noodles, an assortment of vegetables and flavoured with fresh root ginger and two sorts of miso. 

In Japan, having a bowl of miso soup every day has long been associated with health and vitality and research has certainly proved that it is beneficial in strengthening our immune system. After a warming bowl of soup for lunch, there were more healthy dishes to enjoy including a variety of fresh salads, spelt bread and some raw and roasted vegetable dips I'd made in advance. 

In the afternoon, we made some of my favourite recipes - a Moroccan Carrot and Orange Salad with dates and toasted cashews, then Aloo Gobi - a spicy Indian cauliflower and potato dish.  Our final recipe was Vanilla Cashew Cream with fresh fruit kebabs.

At the end of the day, when all of the prepared dishes were packed away to take home and enjoy later, I had one final treat for everyone - some home made raw cacao bites and sugar free fruit flapjacks!

Since the course, it's been great hearing from those of you who came and how you've enjoyed making the recipes again at home.  Even the detox drinks have become a daily habit for some which is brilliant! 

Of course, it's how our bodies feel at the end of it that matters and my next course at Bodnant is all about feeling good and feeling lighter!

Lighten Up for Summer -  Saturday 26th April 2014

Just after the Easter break and with the summer holidays looming on the horizon, this will be the perfect time to be more health conscious if you want to look and feel good when the warmer weather arrives!

The good news is that during the summer months, it's often easier to include lighter, healthier plant-based meals in your daily diet that will cleanse and lighten your body naturally and lift your energy too.

On the course,  I'll be showing you how to prepare high quality raw and cooked dishes that are packed full of goodness and will leave you feeling lighter and with a renewed sense of well-being.

Lighten Up For Summer is on:-

Date:   Saturday, 26th April 2014       
Time:   11:00am - 4:00pm        
Price:   £95.00 inc lunch and all ingredients

With lots of practical advice and simple guidelines to follow, together with some new exciting recipes to help you create a healthy body you'll be proud of, this will be a day you definitely won't want to miss!

To book your place,  go to the Bodnant Cookery School website or phone 01492 651108.

Hope to see you there!